Dressage Tips
Basic dressage points tips to make sure you don't lose points on basic dressage movements.
Dressage training tips for gaining those extra dressage points on basic movements we should all do well.
Ride a straight centre line
The centre line presents an opportunity for a cheap mark in a dressage test. You can get the same potential mark in a Prelim test as you can in a Prix St Georges, so you are wasting a mark if you do not get it right.
Do your homework,
The preparatory work you do prior to the test will help ensure straightness, such as lateral work to develop balance, and school movements such as serpentines to define circles and lines.
Practice Straight Lines
Ride straight lines away from the outside track, so you are not relying on the arena wall or fence to keep you straight
Position, position, position
Check your position – are you sitting centred in the saddle, with your weight evenly distributed?
Do you have even rein and leg pressure? You may be inadvertently asking your horse to drift off the centre line with your aids.
Look past the marker you are heading to. If you are turning left at A, look slightly to the left of A – you will get a smoother turn.
Don’t panic
Forget about getting the horse in an outline and don't 'waggle' the reins. The judge is ahead of you, and they will notice a crooked centre line far more than they will notice a poor outline.
Ride actively forward,
A slower pace offers more opportunities for crookedness. Look up, look ahead, breathe deeply and smile, smile smile.
SecretaryKilbride Cottage,
Kilbride South,
Co. Waterford