23/06/2010 13:07

Boulta ODE


Lismore Riding Club

One Day Event

Boulta 11th July, 2010

by kind permission of the Mulcahy Family


Dear Club Secretary,


We look forward to welcoming many of your members to our one day event at Boulta on July 11th .


Dressage Tests will be the same as for the AIRC National One Day Event, 2010.


Entry fees are as follows;


ODE:              €55                  SJ + D:           €30

XC only:         €25                  XC + D:          €40

SJ only:           €15                  XC + SJ:         €40

       D only:           €15


Please note that hats and back protectors must be of the required standard. Hunting stocks or neck protectors, back protectors and medical armbands are compulsory for the cross country phase. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure that he/she complies with A.I.R.C. rules, which are available for download from the AIRC website.


Results will be included in South Western League Table

Green Horse Class included

Accomodation and stabling available.

Barbeque after cross country for everybody


Completed entry forms accompanied by payment, should be sent by post to


Kathleen Cowhig, Garrynoe, Fermoy, Cork


to arrive by Friday 2nd July. No late entries will be accepted.


Dressage times will be sent to club secretaries or available from Kathleen on Friday 09th July, between 7pm and 9pm on 087-2902260.


If you have any queries, please contact Kathleen 087-2902260 or Marie 087-2020166 at the above numbers.


Hope to see you on the 11th





Kilbride Cottage,
Kilbride South,
Co. Waterford